Ginger root

Did you know that the common household culinary Ginger is an excellent warming remedy in all 3 of the world’s classic medical systems?  (TCM, TGM & Ayurveda) Photo by Engin Akyurt on Ginger Tea (decoction) Slice 1-3 g of fresh ginger root (about a thumb size) or use 3-10 g (dried root) With the … Continue reading Ginger root

Oil Pulling

What is it? Oil pulling basically means swishing edible oils in your mouth for a duration of time. It is a traditional hygiene practice from Ayurvedic medicine used to prevent and treat various oral and systemic diseases. [1] Why Oil Pull? Antibacterial effect: viscous nature of oil inhibits plaque accumulation and adhesion of bacteria [2] … Continue reading Oil Pulling